Counting Coup Countdown...

The Luge

Levi Leipheimer ripping up the single-track...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Access to Hal's Pool Revoked...

Thanks Chupacabra Marquart for an update on the ride up to Hal's Pool. Here's a blog posting from STR dated Saturday, November 14th...

Beware: Hal's Place

FYI - I've ridden Hal's Place plenty of times in the last few years with never a problem from the local populace. That has all changed.

I met a guy named Dennis today that cordially, yet forcefully told me to pass the word that the roads up there are now off limits. He is building two homes up there and will no longer tolerate trespassers. He gave me the 411 on the owners around there and the "salt law". The salt law involves a .410 shotgun and rock salt. So be warned that he will "season" you if you ride up there.

All roads are now posted "Private Property, No trespassing".

We may want to stay away...we don't want open season on the Chupacabra.

Here's the link to the STR string --> Click for future updates.

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