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Friday, November 13, 2009

Hammer Nutrition Testimonial...

Here's an e-mail that Jankovich asked me to share with the group. Great success story about Hammer Nutrition...

Just wanted to let you know that I took your advise and started using Hammer Nutrition products - Hammer Gel, Endurolytes, Perpetuem and Recoverite. I bought them from my local mom and pop bike shop. They give me a 10% discount and I like to give them the business.

Anyway, after using the products for a while in training, I put them to the real test last Sunday at the Silverman Triathlon in Henderson. They bill it as the toughest Ironman distance triathlon in North America because of all of the climbing - about 10,000 feet on the bike and another 2,000 or so on the run. I was hoping just to finish before the midnight cutoff. In the 4 previous years only one person in my age group (60 - 64) had finished it. So I was thinking, "If I finish, I could win." Ended up there were 3 guys in my age group.

Hammer Nutrition was one of the sponsors, so before the race I talked to the rep at their booth. He suggested using Perpetuem (1 1/2 scoops per hour) on the bike with water, and Hammer Gel and water on the run along with Endurolytes throughout. Those were the only things I consumed.

I felt good throughout and was particularly surprised how good I felt on the run.

It was a great race on pretty much a perfect day weather wise. When I started the run, I was 21 minutes behind one guy in my division. Lost most of that time in the swim and first transition. About half way through the run, a friend of mine told me I was 17 minutes behind. With about 3 miles to go, he told me I was 4 minutes behind. Couldn't quite catch the guy, and came in second by 1 minute and 10 seconds. My time was 13 hours and 32 minutes. Overall, I finished 88th out 198. Thought that was pretty good for being the second oldest person in the race.

Either the stars aligned just right for me, or the Hammer products really helped me. I tend to think it was the Hammer products.

I just wanted to thank you for your suggestions and I'll be using Hammer products from now on.


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