Counting Coup Countdown...

The Luge

Levi Leipheimer ripping up the single-track...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Greetings Chupacabra has been some time since the last post. My apologies. My hopes are to keep things more up to date going forward.

What a great weekend!!! Temperatures cooled some, which allowed for a little super gnar gnar for those of us training for the Counting Coup...there's a picture of Muz high above the radar ball climbing up main divide. Over 25 miles and 4,500 feet of steep climbs...easily the hardest ride I have ever done. Good news though, 29er Jeff and Muz both made it to Maple Springs under the 4 hour cutoff time. Made it by 18 minutes. Good news as we still have 5 1/2 months to train. It was great seeing Tommy, Johnny, Stevo and Terry out there. It was also great meeting Ryan And Dave.

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