Counting Coup Countdown...

The Luge

Levi Leipheimer ripping up the single-track...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Weekend Fun

What a great weekend to ride. It was great seeing all of the fellas out on the trail on Saturday.

Sounds like the General and Bandito Vanentino had an exciting ride over the weekend... The pictures above are of the General and El Bandito at the bottom of the appropriately named "Car Wreck" Trail in Aliso Woods. Notice the car wreckage in the background of each picture. El Bandito tells me that the Car Wreck Trail makes T&A look tame and it demotes Rattlesnake to a beginner trail. Sounds like something to add to the to do list for the thrill seekers in the group. Plan to ride it like you stole it, though...El Bandito tells me that Car Wreck is not an authorized trail, if you know what I mean. I guess it just adds to the excitement.

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