Counting Coup Countdown...

The Luge

Levi Leipheimer ripping up the single-track...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Coup Training

Here it is...Maple Springs, Santiago Peak, Motorway. 25.9 miles and 4,757 feet of ascent. Counting Coup training for a few of the Chupacabras. After burning over 3,800 calories and consuming 150 ounces of water and a dozen or so Chupacabra Balls, I can honestly say that this was the gnarliest ride I've ever done...all thought up from the comfort of my air conditioned office a few days earlier...what was I thinking?

Marquart was spotted at the peak enjoying a handful of Chupacabra Balls, a favorite delicacy of those training for the Coup.

Here's a look back from Main Divide on the road up from Maple Springs to Four Corners. It looks a lot tougher than it is.

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