Counting Coup Countdown...

The Luge

Levi Leipheimer ripping up the single-track...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Coup Training

Here it is...Maple Springs, Santiago Peak, Motorway. 25.9 miles and 4,757 feet of ascent. Counting Coup training for a few of the Chupacabras. After burning over 3,800 calories and consuming 150 ounces of water and a dozen or so Chupacabra Balls, I can honestly say that this was the gnarliest ride I've ever done...all thought up from the comfort of my air conditioned office a few days earlier...what was I thinking?

Marquart was spotted at the peak enjoying a handful of Chupacabra Balls, a favorite delicacy of those training for the Coup.

Here's a look back from Main Divide on the road up from Maple Springs to Four Corners. It looks a lot tougher than it is.

Monday, October 12, 2009

What a GREAT Weekend!

Wow! What a great weekend of riding...Saturday a few of the fellas did a little Whiting, Santiago, Luge loop. Great to see Dave out there! On Sunday, a few of the ChupaCoups did the greater Coto loop. A good time was had by all!

Get your custom CHUPACABRA socks!!!

I received the proof for custom Chupacabra socks from Sock Guy this afternoon. Check it out...

Please e-mail me if you want some socks. What you see is what you socks with the beast and the sprocket. Due to the minimum quantity production amount mandated by the manufacturer - 60 pairs, I am asking interested parties to order a minimum of three pairs. Total cost should be between $20 and $25 for 3 pairs, which includes socks, tax and shipping charges. Once I have the tally of orders, I'll let each of you know the cost per order. Orders of more than three pairs are GREATLY can never have too many pairs of riding socks.

Monday, October 5, 2009

More Weekend Fun

Who are those good looking guys? It's the non-coup Chupacabra group out for a weekend jaunt up the Live Oak trail.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Greetings Chupacabra has been some time since the last post. My apologies. My hopes are to keep things more up to date going forward.

What a great weekend!!! Temperatures cooled some, which allowed for a little super gnar gnar for those of us training for the Counting Coup...there's a picture of Muz high above the radar ball climbing up main divide. Over 25 miles and 4,500 feet of steep climbs...easily the hardest ride I have ever done. Good news though, 29er Jeff and Muz both made it to Maple Springs under the 4 hour cutoff time. Made it by 18 minutes. Good news as we still have 5 1/2 months to train. It was great seeing Tommy, Johnny, Stevo and Terry out there. It was also great meeting Ryan And Dave.