Counting Coup Countdown...

The Luge

Levi Leipheimer ripping up the single-track...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Full Moon

Greetings Chupacabras. Here's a view of the moon coming up over the horizon on the way up to Old Camp.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Chupacabra Down

While some of us were heading to the IE this morning, a few of the other Chupacabras headed out to Boomer Canyon in Irvine.

Word on the street is that Gnarly Todd got a little too gnarly trying to clear a boulder on Rabbit Ridge and face planted into the rocks. 16 stitches later, Todd is recovering at home.

Chupacabras crossing the border...

A few Chupacabras decided to make the trip to the IE this morning via Black Star. A trip up to Beek's was followed by a great trip down Skyline into Corona. The trip back up and over was a little tough as the temperature started to rise. A good time was had by all.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July Greetings from the Peak

Happy 4th of July Chupacabras! I can't think of a better way to celebrate our nation's independence than by taking a ride up to the peak. This picture was taken from Modjeska Peak. You can make out the Upper Oso Reservoir in the middle.

Have a happy and safe 4th of July!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Chupacabras on the SART

A group of the fellas decided to give Christophe a proper send off before his return to France. A good time has been rumored to have been had by all today out on the Santa Ana River Trail.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Chupacabra Sighting

There was a Chupacabra sighting over the weekend out at Aliso Woods. A couple of the Chupacabras got together for some weekend fun. A good time was rumored to have been had by all. Special thanks to the Mayor for sending in the picture.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

2010 Counting Coup

Wow! What a great day yesterday. We had great weather for the 2010 Warrior's Society Pow Wow.

The Counting Coup course was in great condition as crews were out earlier in the week grading and repairing the trail. Despite severe cramps, crashes, and a couple of on-course deuce drops, we all ended up finishing the race...with about 3 hours separating the group - John Andrews finished in about 5:30, while I brought up the rear in about 8:30.

The Coup was by far the toughest event in which I have ever participated. I was consistently challenged by my body to even make the check point cut-off times and finish the race. The severe leg cramping and stomach issues kept me constantly questioning my participation. That said, it's time to start preparing for next year's race. Let's try to get more Chupacabras out there next year.